About reservation

Incorporation of accommodation

Click here for the terms of accommodation.

Could you tell me about the payment?

Please pay for it when you arrive.

What time do you check in and check-out?

Check-in 15:00 Check-out 11:00
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

When will the cancellation fee be charged?

A cancellation fee will be charged from 3 days in advance.
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

Could you tell me about your phone call?
Reservation Center 03-6627-4730 (8:00 to 22:00)
Contact us on the day of the hotel representative 0735-62-7771

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Could you tell me about the summer pool?

The garden pool with an excellent open feeling overlooking the sea is open only during summer vacation.
Please click here for more information.

Do you have laundromats?

It's located in front of the large public bath.
Fees: 2 washing machines 500 yen / Automated detergent / dryer 100 yen / 30 minutes

What amenities do you have?

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, cotton sets, razors, combs and Shoo mits are available at the amenities corner of the lobby.

Do you have a transfer?

There is a shuttle bus service between Kushimoto Station and our hotel.
Please click here for more information.

Do you have a parking lot?

There is an outdoor parking lot (198 cars, free of charge).
※For persons with disabilities: 3 units
※We do not accept advance reservations.
※There is no covered parking lot for motorcycles and bicycles. Bicycles can be accommodated in the guest room.

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